I shall have to compliment you for an excellent program. I'm autistic and it's almost impossible for me to find programs that I actually have any real use for when it comes to mouse and key functions, and your keymapper solved problems for me that i have had for years. 🙂 Due to it's simplicity and yet optional function it is simply great.. Finally I can have ctrl on a mouse button.


Henrik Hellstrand,

Key Manager - Video Tutorial

2. Replacement of key combinations with other key combinations

An example of a key combination replacement: Ctrl + Insert (Copy), Shift + Insert (Paste), Shift + Delete (Cut) and Alt + Backspace (Undo) combinations in the old Borland Turbo C++ (DOS) application are replaced by the standard Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, Ctrl + X and Ctrl + Z combinations. The new combinations are also shown in a popup menu when Ctrl + "Right mouse button" is pressed and can be added to an exception allowing these replacements to work in a specified application only.

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